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DocumentReference class

A DocumentReference refers to a document location in a Firestore database and can be used to write, read, or listen to the location. The document at the referenced location may or may not exist.


export declare class DocumentReference<T = DocumentData> 


Property Modifiers Type Description
firestore FirebaseFirestore The FirebaseFirestore the document is in. This is useful for performing transactions, for example.
id string The document's identifier within its collection.
parent CollectionReference<T> The collection this DocumentReference belongs to.
path string A string representing the path of the referenced document (relative to the root of the database).
type (not declared) The type of this Firestore reference.


Method Modifiers Description
withConverter(converter) Applies a custom data converter to this DocumentReference, allowing you to use your own custom model objects with Firestore. When you call setDoc(), getDoc(), etc. with the returned DocumentReference instance, the provided converter will convert between Firestore data and your custom type U.
withConverter(converter) Removes the current converter.